Your Body and Acupuncture
By Dr. Tieraona Low Dog – Chief Medical Director W & B
Who would have guessed that a tiny needle (or 12) could be such a boost to your well-being? Here are 10 research-backed ways the ancient practice of acupuncture improves your health from head to toe.
HEAD: 20 sessions of acupuncture within 4 weeks reduced the number of monthly migraines.
MOOD: Once weekly acupuncture sessions can treat depression within 3 months (comparable to results from counseling) likely because it regulates happy-making neurotransmitters in your brain.
HEART: Regular sessions can decrease markers of stress and lower blood pressure.
SLEEP: Acupuncture revs up the production of neurotransmitters associated with relaxation and sleep, helping insomnia sufferers sleep better.
MENOPAUSE: Acupuncture can ease the frequency and severity of hot flashes for up to 3 months after treatment, possibly by helping regulate body temperature.
NOSE: For seasonal allergy sufferers, 12 acupuncture sessions reduced symptoms and allowed people to use antihistamines less often.
THROAT: 10 sessions over the course of a month treated acid reflux disease and soothed heartburn better than upping meds, possibly by regulating acid secretion and speeding digestion.
IMMUNE SYSTEM: Well-placed needles can boost the activity of immune cells that seek out and destroy infections.
BACK: 5 weeks of twice-weekly needling was found to relieve lower back discomfort for up to 6 months.
WEIGHT: Acupuncture helped obese adults shed up to 9 pounds over a span of 2 weeks to 4 months.
Source: Prevention Magazine